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发布时间:2015-05-07 09:07:02  |   来源:光明网  |   作者:佚名  |   责任编辑:顾晶

        Writing a résumé can be a daunting task. It has a style unlike virtually any other document you are likely to write. Consequently, many people rely on either preconceived ideas or stock templates when setting down their credentials for a new position, dooming themselves to a mediocre product from the get-go。


  We often carry around outdated concepts when we don’t keep up to date with current trends. Today’s quality résumés have dispensed with objective statements, and must contain far more information about your accomplishments than your responsibilities. To stand out from the competition you must convey your personal brand, highlight your skills and explain the results of your work. And at the same time, your résumé should be formatted to be applicant tracking system (ATS) friendly。


  Rather than just trying to initially compose a document in résumé format, it is often very helpful to first create a background document you might think of as a well of information from which to draw. To get organized, begin by creating topic headings for each of the sections of the résumé: Professional Experience, Skills, Education, Certifications &Training, Volunteer / Community Activities。


  Compose bullet points where you highlight each of your major accomplishments. And fill them in with a longhand version of what you did, how you did it and what happened because of your activity。


  Don’t worry about conforming to the space limitation of a page or two in this private document. Just pour out your story on to several pages, and then you will be able to cull the highlights for your finished product. Moreover, having thought about and articulated your experiences you will also have taken an important step forward in preparing stories to tell when you get to interviewing for coveted roles。

